Kleurgamma has a full high quality scan lab where we scan film ranging in sizes from half frame up to 8×10 sheet film. For paintings, drawings and photographs we scan with a ultra high resolution scan camera. We can help you choose the right scan for your needs.

High-end scans
For high quality film scanning we have a high end Sigma scanner that is capable of stunning colours and resolution. Sizes range from 35mm film up to 4×5” with a max resolution of 4223 dpi (optical). We work with Infrared ICE technology that cleans out all but the worst dust and scratches from your film, reducing post production to a minimum.

Flatbed scans
Our Scitex Eversmart Supreme Flatbed scanner is the first scanner that reaches an optic resolution comparable with a drumscanner. High quality scans of flat models possible up to A3 size.

For the reproduction of drawings, painting and other media larger that A3 we use our Betterlight scan-back camera that delivers clean and crisp reproduction with great colours thanks to our professional lighting set-up and high quality optics.
We are also able to scan 3D materials.

Flextight rental
We have a Flextight scanner available for customers to scan their slides of negatives on their own. The Flextight scanner simulates a drum by spanning the film in way so it achieves maximum flatness and thus sharpness. This combined with the high optical resolution (8000dpi) guaranties sharp scan files than translate beautifully to large prints.
The scanner is equipped for formats up to 5×7″ films.
You can make a reservation by contacting us.

Output Slide
If you need slides made from digital files for an installation or any other presentation we can make them within two weeks. We need files that have a dimension of 2,4 by 3,6 cm so that the slides match the frames.

Images editing
Our specialised operators can help you with your montage, chops (channel operations), masks and a wide range of retouching your images.